Closeup of Woman Holding Paint Brush and Painting Kitchen Cabinets
Closeup of Woman Holding Paint Brush and Painting Kitchen Cabinets

The Cheapest Ways To Increase Home Value in Texas

Are you considering selling your Texas home in the future and are looking for cheap ways to increase home value? Then you’ve come to the right place! Here, we will discuss inexpensive home improvement projects and DIY landscaping work that can increase your Texas property value. Learn to determine the value of your home with … Continued
house for sale before foreclosure

How To Sell Your House Before Foreclosure

Are you in the midst of a foreclosure process? Do you need to sell your house fast to stop foreclosure and keep your credit score from plummeting? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we will detail how you can sell your home for a fair price before the mortgage company can seize … Continued
things you should and shouldn't fix when selling your house

Things You Should and Shouldn’t Fix When Selling Your House

When getting your home ready to sell in Texas, you may have many home improvement projects in mind. However, do you know what not to fix when selling a house? When making a list of all the necessary upgrades to your house, you may not need to fill in a few hairline cracks in your … Continued
house for sale by owner

Guide to Selling Your House By Owner in Texas

Selling your house for sale by owner (FSBO) is a financially appealing idea, especially if you want to avoid paying listing agent commissions. Unfortunately, the process isn’t as simple as selling a pound of apples you grew in your back garden at the local farmer’s market.  FSBO sales are not as straightforward as one might … Continued
Free things to do in San Antonio

Free Things to Do in San Antonio

San Antonio, Texas’ first established civil community and oldest municipality is named after St. Anthony of Padua, who was a Portuguese priest. Due to its notable River Walk, farmers’ market, mission trails, historic monuments, Native American and Hispanic culture, and beautiful landscape, San Antonio draws approximately 32 million people each year.  There are numerous exciting, fun, and … Continued
cost of selling a house

Costs of Selling a House

Selling a house is a significant life event. Moving may occasionally be a difficult and emotional process, despite the fact that the thought of a fresh start should make home sellers eager for their future chapter. The inevitable and ostensibly concealed cost of selling a home is a contributing factor in this. Understanding these real estate … Continued
Squatters Rights in Texas in 2022

Squatters Rights in Texas in 2022

A squatter is someone who lives in a property they don’t own or rent. It sounds illegal as if they’re breaking and entering or trespassing. For a claim to count as trespassing, the squatter needs to know they’re unwelcome, either because the owner told them or there were no trespassing signs on the property. The … Continued
Get The Smell of Smoke Out of Your House

Get The Smell of Smoke Out of Your House

Once the smell of smoke sinks into your home, it can feel impossible to get it out.  Third-hand smoke refers to the residual smell left behind by tobacco that seeps into your walls, carpets, clothing, hair, etc. Cigarette smoke isn’t the only thing that can leave behind a  lingering smoke odor. Places like San Antonio … Continued
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